Monthly Archives: October 2012

“What a slut time is. She screws everybody.” – John Green

Why I Hate People in My Home

This is a rant. Sorry.

I’m not anti-social, I’m selectively social. I like to spend time with the people I know and like. People that are nice and considerate of my home. I do not like when there are too many people in my home*. I have a younger sister. She’s fifteen, and has people over all the time. During the day, this is fine. My mother is awake and around and the kids stay downstairs for the most part. But, my mother goes to bed fairly early and then all the kids come out to play. It’s ridiculous. Right now, there are drunk kids sleeping on all the couches in my house. They have no respect for someone else’s house, they eat all the food and they never shut up. These are people that make me anxious and paranoid and neurotic. I’m not kidding, a mere five minutes ago, after I made him a bed, a kid had the nerve to call me uptight. This is after I use two loaves of bread to make them toast and bring them water and give them something to sleep on and with. Which I find very rude. I like to be in control of things. When too many people are in a house, there is no control. This all gives me anxiety and I dislike it.

*I live in the bed and breakfast for the most part. When there are no guests at the bed and breakfast, I stay at my mom’s. Because it’s my home. I have my cats here, my dog likes it here, and I like it here.


reading recommendation: paper towns – john green

“It’s always easier to say good-bye when you know it’s just a prelude to hello.” – Maureen Johnson

30 Days of Books

Day 10 – the first novel you remember reading

I’ve been reading too long to remember the first novel I read. Do the Babysitter’s Club count as novels? I own all of those. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys? I have those too. I read a lot of random YA novels that I don’t remember anymore. I used to go to the library and bring home two bags books from the YA section. I really, really like books.

“But some days it’s is okay for things to be not rationally true.” – Hank Green

Wednesday Wishlist


I read my first John Green book in August and I’m obsessed. The bookstore in my town never has this book in stock and really want to read it so I think I might have to order it.



I just really love books. I think this personal library kit is so cool. As I’ve said before, I never go to library anymore. I don’t even think I have a library card because I buy all my books. I have a dream to one day have my own cataloged home library.



I really like Marc Johns. I like him enough that I have a tattoo of one of his drawings on my leg. I like that most of his artwork is simple but still awesome. This sweater says “Unbeknownst to most, the world is completely controlled by a single pipe-smoking rabbit.” It’s seemingly random. But great nonetheless.



I watch a lot of TV, obviously. I like to watch TV shows over and over again. Just like I re-read all my books, I re-watch my favourite shows. Instead of having a million episodes recorded on my DVR or waiting for each episode to come on the television, I always buy the box sets. I used to really only get into television shows after they stopped airing, so all the box sets were relatively cheap and it wasn’t a big deal to buy them. Now that most of shows I watch are currently airing new seasons, the box set of the previous seasons are really expensive. I mean, I don’t really understand why they’re so expensive and it sucks. So now I have a list of box sets I want: NCIS, Whitney, 2 Broke Girls, the Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds.



My obsession with John Green continues. This is a quote tattoo from Looking for Alaska. Hopefully, I can soon get a John Green tattoo.


reading recommendation: 13 Little Blue Envelopes – Maureen Johnson

“I don’t exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.” – Catcher in the Rye

30 Days of Books

Day 09 – a book you’ve read more than once

I never borrow books from the library anymore. I haven’t in years. I buy all my books, because I always re-read them. Unless I hate the book, then obviously I’m not reading it twice. Nora Roberts has written a lot of trilogies and I’ve read most them at least three times. I’ve read Saving Francesca so many times that I can recite my favourite passages in my head word for word. I’ve read the sequel twice and I’ve only had it for two weeks. I always re-read romance. I like falling into different stories that essentially have the same plot. I like familiarity. I like books.

“At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.” – Bridesmaids

 30 Days of Books

Day 08 – an unpopular book you believe should be a best-seller

Johnny Kellock Died Today – Hadley Dyer. I checked online and I’m pretty sure that this book is not a best seller. I don’t usually like historical novels but this one was really good.

“Do you want to go in the bathroom and smoke a cigarette with me?” – The Darjeeling Limited

30 Days of Books

Day 07 – a book that is hard to read

Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte. I understand that it’s a really great book. I find it hard to follow and really, really sad. I had a super hard time reading it. I’m not even sure if I ever finished. But I already knew vaguely what happened. I don’t think it’s a bad book, just hard. I don’t usually read historical books either.

“Go ahead, Cornelius, you can cry.” – Fight Club

30 Days of Books

Day 06 – a book that makes you cry

Uhm. A lot of books make me cry. Tears in my eyes and I cry because the book makes me so happy. Or because it makes me so sad. I just read a book by Maureen Johnson. I cried. I read Melina Marchetta books, I cry. Perks of Being a Wallflower? Tears. Johnny Kellock Died Today? Yup. But the book that makes me sob uncontrollably, I can’t even see the words on the page anymore is the The Fault in Our Stars. I told you I was going to double up on books. I don’t see anything wrong with crying. I cry a lot. It’s okay, really.

“Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there’. I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.” – John Green

30 Days of Books

Day 05 – a non-fiction book that you actually enjoyed

I have read a lot of books. I’ve read a lot of romance, young adult fiction, humour and biographies. I’ve been scanned my brain and bookshelves to see what non-ficton books I even own. I don’t believe I own any. I don’t believe that I’ve read any that I enjoyed (so far). So now I have a mission, to find a non-fiction book that I enjoy. Or maybe I’ll remember one that I read a long time ago and forgot about. I don’t know.

“People with lost personalities will suffer a great deal more than those with lost virginities.” – Melina Marchetta

30 Days of Books

Day 04 – a book that reminds you of home

I’m definitely going to double up on my answers more than once throughout these 30 books, because I tend to obsess. A book that reminds me home is Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta. Not because it’s set in the same country (it’s not), or because I relate to the characters familial situation (I don’t), but because I relate so much to all the brain/mental stuff that Francesca goes through. I’ve read this book so many times and I still can’t get enough of it. I read it for the first time in grade 7 when I borrowed it from the library. For the next 3 years, I borrowed it over and over again because I couldn’t stop reading it. Finally, instead of constantly paying late fees, I bought my own copy. Now I just read it all the time. I don’t really know why this reminds me home, but it reminds me that I’m not alone. Melina Marchetta also wrote a sequel, called The Piper’s Son, which made me happier than anything.

“I don’t even remember the season. I just remember walking between them and feeling for the first time that I belonged somewhere.” – Stephen Chbosky

30 Days Of Books

Day 03-A Book that completely surprised you (bad/good)

This post has a small spoiler, for anyone that is going to read TFiOS, which I highly recommend.

The Fault in Our Stars – John Green. I bought this book only because it was recommended on the Chapters website as a book someone who loved the Perks of Being a Wallflower would love. That was a horrible sentence. So, I bought TFiOS, thinking it would be similar to Perks. It is, in the sense that it is amazing. I read the whole book in one night, which isn’t unusual. I sobbed through the last half of the book, which is unusual. I mean, I cry a lot. But I was sobbing. I was so shocked and mad at John Green for writing characters that I fell in love with and then (SPOILER), killing such a beautiful boy. I became obsessed. I read the author’s note over and over again, trying to make myself feel better. Then I googled John Green and discovered his other books (which are all equally awesome), his Brotherhood  2.0 vlog youtube videos* with his brother, Hank Green, and nerdfighters.**

TFiOS shocked me because a) it’s so well written, b) it is heartbreaking, c) it really changed my life. I’m obsessed (I feel like I use this word too much) with the vlogbrothers and nerdfighteria and everything they stand for. I’ve logged quite a few hours watching youtube videos and reading lately. It might be a problem.


*Brotherhood 2.0/Vlogbrothers: John and Hank Green decided to stop all textual communications and only communicate through video blogs for one year. This was in 2007. They gained a large following and still continue to vlog.

**Nerdfighters: “The fans of Brotherhood 2.0 call themselves nerdfighters. A tightknit and extraordinarily dedicated community, the nerdfighters have raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities and political campaigns, taken over the most discussed pages of youtube, and written hundreds of letters to Merriam Webster lobbying for the inclusion of the word “nerdfighter” into the dictionary.”


adventures of an old soul

Peas and Cougars

If real life were a cartoon, I would be a triangle, which is probably better than being a square.


adventures of an old soul

Liesl Made

like handmade, but better.

Favorite Things, Family Life, Fun Projects

amaryllis log

create something